Sunday, April 02, 2006

Obsession...Bulimics or more

There are moment into a man's life in wich u have to consider the way u have looked at women in the past: "Maybe u are too fat", or "I like anorexic girls", or "oooo...that's suchs...she's really faaaat"...How stupid u are is really much more than her fat mass...Compliments when u have seen her loosing weight...Shame on u!

Magazines, tv, society force us to consider beauty as stupidity giving to it a sort of absolute value.

When u live this obsession in your life u understad how childish can be a sentence much u can hurt.

A body injuried by words, by your own words is enough to force u to CHANGE.

U can be alone to fight, u can have her against u but u MUST be there with her when she need...And u MUST educate people to react and understand that the kernel of every obsession is a depression.